About Paul


As a young child I idolized superheroes and martial artists, fantasying that I was one of them. Strong, confident and courageous. Always coming to someone’s rescue. In reality I didn’t always feel that strong, confident or courageous.

This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as it motivated me to take up various martial arts at a young age so I could develop and ‘master’ myself mentally, emotionally and physically.

This holistic approach became part of the inspiration for what eventually would become my life’s purpose and mission, namely empowering people from within so they may reach their full potential in all areas of life. 

During my early twenties I also developed a fascination for psychology and personal development. What drives and inspires people; mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually? Why do people do what they do? What motivates someone to take action to reach their goals, and what holds them back?



How to be able to consistently reach peak-performance states without burning out? How to deal with limiting beliefs, fear and insecurities? How does one find purpose, inner peace, harmony and balance in all areas of their life?

 How can the empowering life skills that I was learning in martial arts be translated and implemented in daily life? How does the conscious and subconscious mind influence one’s life on a daily basis? How can one use this to their advantage?

A lot of “how’s” that I sought answers for and was starting to find through intense research, study, training, and direct experience through the ‘school of life’.

My love for martial arts was also becoming more and more an important part of the healthy holistic lifestyle that I strived for. Besides the physical side of the training, which I enjoyed very much, it was especially the life skills and personal development aspects that appealed to me the most. In this period I also gained a keen interest in ancient eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Taoism as well as modern, western developmental phycology, neuroscience and leadership skills, and how they can all complement each other.

In my late twenties and early thirties I was blessed with becoming the father of two boys, a very rewarding experience, to say the least, which among other things taught me a lot about unconditional love, patience, responsibility, and setting priorities. My ‘kids’ are now both grown men and I couldn’t be more proud of them and the great relationship that we have and cherish.


In that period I also had a successful career in the corporate world owning and managing a 40+ employee market research company in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This experience greatly enriched my understanding of how people from all different backgrounds can effectively communicate, work and collaborate under various conditions, with deadlines and the many other challenges one faces. I learnt the importance of creating an environment that is conducive for individuals and teams to excel, whilst also maintaining a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives.

Authentic strength and leadership to me means not only being confident, disciplined and focused, with a clear, compelling vision and a mission that inspires others to give their fullest, but equally important is being flexible, with an open mind, a kind heart, patient, honest and the ability to be vulnerable and admit when you are wrong, or made a mistake.

By my late thirties I went through several personal challenges and hardships: my divorce (with two young children), losing a good friend to cancer, and later on the death of my new relationship in a fatal accident. This all has been part of forming and transforming me into the person I am today. A continuous journey of discovery, learning, growth and living a fulfilled life of purpose. Out of these challenges my methodology was born.

Next to running my own business my interest in teaching and coaching had already been sparked as a volunteer certified chess instructor from 1994-1999. In the spring of 2000 I started teaching martial arts and offering coaching to my adult students. By 2008 I felt confident enough in my skills, my methodology, and ability to make a profound positive impact in people’s life that I made the ‘bold’ decision to leave the corporate world behind me and commit myself fulltime to my passion and purpose of coaching, guiding and inspiring individuals and teams to reach their full potential, realize their goals and live a Joyful life in harmony, balance & with peace of mind.

In 2008 I also joined an international organization, ‘Schools of Kung Fu’ by IWKA, with locations in 18 countries, at the Amsterdam European HQ, as Chief Instructor/Life Coach and International Program Director. Presently I still offer my services to them as well as running my own international transformational coaching business.

It is my mission to make a positive impact in people’s life as a transformational coach so you may reach your full potential and realize your goals and have the life that you desire and deserve, whilst also contributing as much as possible to a more compassionate, cooperative and peaceful planet.

It is my sincere wish that my methodology gives you as much value in your life as it has given me in my life.

Looking forward to meeting you on your transformational journey.


Warm regards,

Sifu Paul
